Surrender the Hurts

“Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you…”

Psalm 61:1–2a (NIV)

There are so many well-put-together people on the outside that are abused, mistreated, and traumatised on the inside. There are people that are daily carrying around deep scars and hurt. There are many also walking around with mild scars from betrayal and rejection from family and friends. Allowing these to fester deeper and become more toxic will only result in a negative impact on your self-esteem and relationships. 

Friends hurt not acknowledged and given a chance to heal, can take you down a path of thinking you’re unworthy, a failure, and inferior. And this is not true. Others may severely criticise people to make themselves feel better, while for others, anger always seems to be at the forefront. Thus, you lash out to hurt others. There are some, yet still, who will be overly worried about the opinions of others. 

The psalmist, in Psalm 6,  was in severe pain crying out to the Lord. Have you cried out to the Lord? Have you told Him honestly how you feel, how exhausted you are, how agonising your pains are? Have you declared His unfailing love that you know will help you to endure it all?  Have you praised Him lately, in the midst of your pain? God doesn’t want us to not have emotions, but He wants us to not become entrapped by the hurt we suffered and feel like all is hopeless.  

Those of us who know the Saviour will find healing comfort and shalom peace. We can trust our Heavenly Father’s love. If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Saviour I invite you to cry out to Him, ask for forgiveness, invite Him in and watch what His magnificent presence will do in your life. Surrender and be more like Jesus as we glorify and praise Him.


Heavenly Father, we invite Your Holy Presence and ask Your forgiveness for not forgiving ourselves for the hurt others inflicted upon us. We are laying it all down to You, Father. May we see ourselves as You see us. We confess all our sins and declare in Jesus’ name that we are healed and free. We glorify You and praise You. Lord, we declare that we are free in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read: Psalm 6; Psalm 61:1-5; Judges 6:6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 116:12-19; Colossians 1:1-23; Jeremiah 7: 30-34; Jeremiah 8; Jeremiah 9:1-16

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